89° 24' 49"
50° 53' 22"
Grayson Lake Cabin

New Grayson Lake Fishing Map

Beautiful setting see gallery for more |
Grayson lake is located in the heart of Wabakimi Park. Here is a lake with many streams running into it and the Grayson River running through it. At 3100 acres it is almost the perfect sized lake. It is a little better than 7 miles from end to end and has a mixed bag of structure. Most productive are the points but with a twist - underwater humps - which some call sunken islands. We have one portage boat at Nikki Lake. This is a long skinny little lake which is quite quaint. The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources surveyed the lake in 2006, so now we have map that includes the depths.
New vacationers to Grayson are pleasantly surprised by this camp. Many say - "It feels like a summer cottage " with its ultra large deck and commanding view. The cabin is up high with a west view of the lake. Inside real furniture .. Large dining room table .. Separate and private bedrooms with really comfortable mattress. The lights are solar as is the water system.
Adding to the comfort is a supersized deck with a cabin wide screened in deck. It is all very impressive. And, as is the case with all of our camps, it is radio equipped.
Grayson Lake is home to the Blue Walleye. There are lots of green ones too, but the mystery is, why so many are blue in colour. Like all of our lakes, expect good fishing for trophy Northern Pike.
We use Lund 14' deluxe boats here with 9.9 hp outboards and there 4 of them and all have swivel seats.